October 25

Meaningful Connections


Earlier this week I spoke about meaningful connections.

I learned to love showing up on live video! I remember when broadcasting live was new and exciting to me! I launched my business live on Periscope years ago and allowed myself to bear my soul.

It was a huge hurdle that I overcame, and I’m still so proud of myself for taking this step, to start creating video content, and building community.

At the time, I introduced myself to hundreds of people and the Black Biz Scope network.

I told my story and what led me to where I am today. It was so energizing, powerful, and a bit scary…but I did it, and I’m still doing it.

I haven’t been on social media much lately, but be sure to connect with me there so you don’t miss out!

What is a Meaningful Connection?

A meaningful connection is one where both parties are able to give, gain, and grow.

There is mutual respect and benefit from the relationship. These are with family, friends, business, or even in passing with a stranger.

The people around us have a big impact on our lives. It’s important to connect with the right people. Finding or knowing who the right people are is challenging, especially these days.

This is why you need discernment.

It is so easy to meet someone and we believe who they say they are. Somewhere along the line you see a different side of them and it turns out they aren’t who they said they were.

You may find a lot of chaos, confusion, and an overall drain from this person.

They can drain your mind, spirit, energy, time, money, home….after interactions with them you don’t feel right or good.

This can signal they aren’t the right person. You have to use discernment and decide if this relationship is one worth keeping. This goes for any type of relationship.

Use Discernment

Staying connected to relationships that are not meaningful can take you way off your course in life.

It’s happened to me more times than I care to count, but once I realized it I took the steps necessary to get myself back on track.

I have perfected ending relationships and moving on.

Discernment is important to make sure the people you interact with have your best interest at heart and aren’t there to use and abuse you. It’s hard to tell who is genuine these days. It can take a real life situation to show someone’s true colors.

Life is meant to be lived and shared!

Connection is a basic human need. I want you to create and build lasting, meaningful relationships and make sure you are letting the right people in your life, home, and heart.

If you liked this, please share it.

Comment below and let me know what you think. How do you tell if someone is no good?


Connections, Dating, Family, Friendship, Moving On

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